Out of Step features the voices of four young female veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Robynn Murray, Chantelle Bateman, Kelly Dougherty, and Jen Pacanowski. The film, produced and directed by Lynn Estomin, is a collaboration with choreographer Kelly Knox and composer/electric violinist Ritsu Katsumata. The stories are powerful, raw, emotional, and haunting content that is challenging, but definitely open to interpretation in dance, music and cinematography. There is a deep necessity for veterans to create when so much in their lives has been shattered. A profound sense of hope comes from the ability to rebuild and transform.
Length: 6 minutes
Official Selection of:
DANCE:FILM11, Edinburgh, Scotland
2011 Philadelphia Film and Animation Festival, Philadelphia, PA
Un-Inhibited Muse Festival, Philadelphia, PA
Web Address:http://lycofs01.lycoming.edu/~estomin/step.html