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Humanzoo (2011)
Portland, ME

Mack Fisher, Ian Jones

Mack Fisher

Written By
Mack Fisher

View Trailer

Lyceum Gallery (8): Saturday, April 14, 2012 10:00 AM

Four friends closer than family grow up with one another, brought together by art. Although their talents are in painting, they find their voice through the public expression of graffiti. The group operates as a team, where every individual’s choice and action affects the lives of the whole. The lead character Simon struggles with an irrepressible addiction to Oxycontin that has proceeded to take over his life. When Simon begins to fall down the rest of the group falls with him. A small gag quickly turns into a delicate situation that threatens the reputation and well being of everyone involved.

This film explores the most basic of human interactions, and how our individual lives and decisions affect everyone around us.

Web Address:http://www.facebook.com/HumanZooMovie