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The Roots of Happiness (2011)
Nevada, USA
US Premiere

Brian Willams, Frank, Ryan and Elizabeth Abella

Matt Schultz

Written By
Ryan Abella and Matt Schultz

View Trailer

Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce (9): Saturday, April 14, 2012 11:30 AM

A Humanitarian Documentary filmed at a Children's Home deep inside Kenya. The story is based on the happiness of children who have nearly nothing to their name but their faith and pure happiness for life. A small
independent production team and a Reno Nevada based organization, Think Kindness, shares this heart filled story of happiness.

The documentary leaves the question of what really works and for how long? Yes, donations and funding helps, but education and someone who shows genuine hope and care is for a lifetime. Roots of Happiness raises questions if Charities really impact the long and self sustaining foot print it thinks it may leave....or is it a temporary crutch or life line.

Length of Film: 1 hour, 6 minutes

Web Address:http://rootsofhappiness.org/